Technical Presentations

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3 presentations for frequency dependent line:

WAPA COTP (California Oregon Transmission Project) Series Capacitor Bank Replacement

Author(s): Leopoldo G. Gallegos Jr.
Type:PDF Presentation
Downloaded: 3
Date: 2022-07-21

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WAPA COTP (California Oregon Transmission Project) Series Capacitor Bank Replacement

Throughout this case study, you will learn about the California Oregon Transmission Project (COTP) and its goal of replacing the existing fixed series capacitor banks (FSCBs) with new equipment.

Tag(s): capacitor bank, frequency dependent line, overvoltage, distribution substation

The new frequency dependent line and cable model: Wideband Model

Author(s): Ilhan Kocar
Type:Technical Presentation
Date: 2020-12-14

* 0 vote(s)

The new frequency dependent line and cable model: Wideband Model

<p>This presentation introduces the new Windband Model, capable of eliminates the modeling problems encountered with the existing ULM approach.</p><p>
Ov... see more

The new frequency dependent line and cable model: wideband model

Author(s): Ilhan Kocar, Polytechnique Montréal
Type:Technical Presentation
Date: 2020-11-20

* 0 vote(s)

The new frequency dependent line and cable model: wideband model

<h6 class="text-black" style="padding-bottom: 30px; padding-top: 30px; text-align: justify;">Speaker: <strong>Ilhan Kocar</strong... see more

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